Choose either a one or a two-player game. Choose to be either Bill or Steve. True to life, they both have something to say about everything that happens, and they both are highly competitive businessmen. The game ends when one person runs out of money: the winner is the only one left standing! See how much cash you can bleed from your opponent along the way!
The computer decides who goes first. When it's your turn just click on the die to "roll ahead". You either advance the number shown on the die, or if it shows "?", you draw a card.
Green Squares: if you land on a green square, and have more than $1 billion, you may build a corporation. If an opponent lands on that corporation, they owe you double the amount invested in that corporation. So, the more money you spend, the more money it will yield.
"?": You may roll a "?" on the die or land on a square with a "?". This means "pick a card". The card can have you move forward, or backward a certain number of spaces, gain or lose a certain amount of money, or in special cases do things like switch places with your opponent!
Those little squares with the red triangles are spinners, when you pass over one, it decides the direction in which you will go.
The arrows at either end of the board "warp" you to the other arrow.
Click on the "espresso", "herb tea" and "off" buttons to change the music to suit your tastes.
To add a bit of randomness there are 3 separate and distinct boards upon which you can play the game. That one too easy or too hard? Try another!